Our Vision is to see each of our students able to declare this of themselves:
I Am A Seed Rising Up. "I no longer see myself as helpless, hopeless or useless. I have put my past behind me, forgiven those who have hurt me, and set my sights firmly on what I am becoming - pushing forward to achieve my Harvest and become all I am meant to be".
To Become Skilled Confident And Respected. "I am working hard to become skilled in my vocation, seeking to be excellent in everything I do. As I work hard, as I develop my skill, as I learn to persevere and push through, as I learn wisdom and my life changes - so others will grow in respect for me".
Full Of Vision And Belief, Identity And Purpose. "I have begun to see what I can become - and I am stepping out towards that. I believe that I have great value and purpose, that God has put in me everything I need to achieve my Harvest, and that I can be a blessing to the world around me. I am not going to follow the crowd - but I choose what is good and right, walking humbly in love".
Acting With Wisdom And Integrity. "I want to be a role model for others, so I aim to make good choices in everything I do. I choose to be honest, trustworthy and reliable. I choose my words and actions carefully, always seeking to build up rather than pull down".